Metrology and operational quality

Our metrology and quality technician teams provide dimensional controls and quality expertise for PCI manufacturing, processing and R&D services everyday.

They are involved in all the steps, aiming to obtain quality on production lines from average to very large series.

Equipments, experience, skills and seriousness of our technicians are put at your service through Operational Quality and Metrology services.

Metrology skills
  • A staff of experienced and “customers oriented” metrological engineers.
  • Large knowledge of what is expected in the automotive industry.
  • Great experience of large series processes with obtaining capabilities.
  • Calypso programming mastery and expertise.
  • Permanent research of measurement processes optimisation (programming, supports, sensors).
Operational Quality skills
  • A team of experienced and “customers oriented” quality project managers.
  • Ability to analyse results and advise on final quality acquirement
  • ISO GPS quotation expertise
  • Metrological results treatment and exploitation through client software (Sesame, QSStat).
  • Capability calculation standards mastery, and specifically PSA standard.
  • APC (Automated Process Control) solutions development.

PCI Services

Studies :

  • Parts plans analysis
  • Monitoring plan definition

3D programming :

  • Offline programming
  • Programming learning

Execution :

  • Sensors
  • Mounting support
  • 3D, ES & BDL measures development

Controls :

  • Expertise unit measures
  • Measurement of series parts
  • Capability process of parts lot measurement

Results analysis :

  • Unit parts analysis
  • Lot capability calculations
  • Arguments and advice on setting up a machining process

Metrology expertise :

  • Audit and consultancy of metrology laboratories for the validation of measurement processes